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About LtN HR Consulting, LLC

LtN HR Consulting, LLC understands that every business has different needs and challenges. That is why we tailor a wide range of human resources services that will help your business meet and maintain compliance, mange employees, reduce turnover, improve retention, and prepare for what’s coming next.

We offer full Human Relations operations or can support as an extension to your existing HR department. We provide recruitment & onboarding services in order to hire better employees, easier, and faster, with robust tools for recruitment, hiring, and onboarding. We provide performance management services to achieve tangible results, the capture and promote progress of your business from the most accurate source, your employees. We provide project scope services such as preparing handbooks, updating policies, ensuring your company is compliant with federal and state laws, compensation analysis, job descriptions, new hire and employee annual training, leadership development, performance management, and much more.

Tina Norris
Executive HR Consultant/Owner